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Version: v2.x

A toolbox for busy community leaders.

We’re building technical infrastructure, operational expertise, and a support network to bring Public Goods Funding (PGF) and on-chain privacy technology to communities.

Our mission is to empower community organisers to run PGF rounds by providing tools, resources, and grants needed to successfully grow adoption of this community-funding technology.

What is Public Goods Funding?

Think crowdfunding and grant-giving where the community weighs the contribution of each project and decides how much of financial funding said project should receive!

There are different flavors of funding mechanisms, you can find more information about each of them below:

About us

We’re a team supported from the Ethereum Foundation, building on-chain, privacy technology that leverages Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKP) to empower communities.

We’re creating infrastructure that enables community leaders to run RPGF rounds in a decentralised manner, independent of us. We aim to empower independent organisers from various communities to run Retroactive Public Goods Funding and Quadratic Funding rounds independently.

Think of the MACI team as consultants. We offer communities technical training & operational guidance, and the communities then deploy and execute these rounds.

We support community operators via:

  • Financial grants
  • Technical guidance to deploy infrastructure
  • Operational help on how to structure & manage round logistics
  • Marketing & comms strategy to ensure your community has adequate content & education
  • Impact analysis to help you set goals & measure success

The ultimate goal is for organisers to be able to run rounds independent of us. Here are a few areas we do not provide support:

  • Smart contract or website deployment (though we provide guidance on how)
  • Direct technical or operational support for voters
  • Legal guidance on running rounds

How it works

This site aims to provide a high-level overview of our process, as well as resources on how to run a round. It is not intended to be a rigid solution.

We offer you technical training and operational guidance but ultimately, you would lead and run your own round!

Case studies

Our team has already collaborated with multiple community organisers around the globe to empower them to run funding rounds.

View case studies of previous Quadratic Funding rounds View case studies of previous Retroactive Public Goods Funding rounds
